Posts that violate these guidelines may be removed at admin/moderator discretion. If your post is legitimate, please message the mods. Posts and comments made from accounts with negative karma, or posts containing "suspicious" links, will be auto-removed.Consider other subs like /r/OccultArt or /r/OccultMemes for such posts. Again, please keep this to no more than twice a month. However, accounts that solely or continuously self-promote are subject to bans. Posting occult-related work/crafts is tolerated.Spamming and trolling of any variety will not be tolerated.Bigotry, racism, homophobia, and all threats physical or other will not be tolerated.Other subreddits exist for these purposes ( /r/OccultArt, /r/OccultMemes). Posts that are just images with no other context or explanation for why you found it worth sharing, occult memes/comics are not welcome.

We are trying to avoid the use of /r/Occult solely to promote goods or services.
Sigil of lilith mods#
Thus, the /r/Occult mods have neither the authority nor the ability (and likely not the inclination) to unban you from the Discord You will need to talk to an admin on discord for any moderation issues related to it. NOTE: The moderation team of the discord is distinct from the moderation team of this subreddit. This is a voice and text chatroom, with weekly open study and discussion groups. r/Occult now has an official Discord server. Magicians, mystics, bibliophiles, occult scientists, esotericists, philologists, etymologists, critical syncretists, mythologists, gnostics, open-minded skeptics, and anyone interested in the open-minded, critical pursuit of illumination and the exploration of esoteric mysteries are welcome. r/Occult is a community centered around discussion of the occult, mysticism, esoterica, metaphysics, and other related topics, for those who likely believe that blind faith is the death of intelligence.