I don’t know exactly why this step is required, and I don’t want to speculate. Connect your phone to the vtrust-flash WiFi network created by Tuya Convert.
Follow the on-screen instructions, confirm Yes when asked to terminate dnsmasq and mosquitto, the network ports are required for the update process.The multiple reboots may not be required, but I habitually reboot after making substantial system changes. Reboot using sudo reboot, and reconnect using SSH.
Install Tuya Convert dependencies using cd.Install Git using sudo apt install git.Update the Pi using sudo apt update, sudo apt upgrade, then reboot using sudo reboot, and reconnect over SSH.Change the password, expand the available storage, set the WiFi country code, but do not connect to a WiFi network. ssh The default username is pi, the default password is raspberry, the default hostname is raspberrypi.

On Windows 10 you can use the Windows Terminal app available from the Microsoft Store.

My goal was to use Tuya Convert, for it allows over the air firmware conversion, and no physical disassembly and firmware programmer wiring is required. I am a novice when it comes to ESPHome, and I pieced information together from various great sources:

This is a summary of my experience, and the exact steps I followed, to convert cheap Tuya based WiFi smart plugs to ESPHome for Home Assistant integration.